Do you Juana? "The Evolution of Women!"

In the past, women were treated unjustly, they did not have the freedom and rights they truly deserve as if they were weaker gender. Back then women were only supposed to be inside their house’s, doing household choirs, and taking care of their own children. They were forbidden to go outside, be the “breadwinner” of the family, and have education. They were not allowed to vote, and be part of any political matters. Women were robbed of their self-confidence and self-respect, and were made totally dependent on men. Women were treated as slaves of men. Making women think that males are the superior and the dominant specie. Being able to live in a religiously free environment, having a say in the government you fund with your taxes, and not being enslaved by another person for the rest of your life. Many people used to think these ideas about how living should and must be lived were foolish. Visionaries, on the other hand, held these convictions with zeal, and the...