"Would you?"

  The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has made a humongous impact to the world. This pernicious virus has affected many people and also took many lives. It’s been more than a year since this horrendous pandemic affected many lives. When the number of active cases proliferated on January 30,2020, authorities decided to find a solution to this economic disaster. To reduce the rate of people getting infected by this virus, the government has implemented lockdowns with strong containment measures. Unfortunately, isolating ourselves in our own homes isn’t enough in dealing with this virus. The best way to fight the virus is finding a cure to it, over-the-counter drugs and simple remedies isn’t enough to treat and to completely prevent the spread of this fatal disease. In order to prevent a virus from infecting someone’s body one must be immune to this said disease. Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person’s system. Anti-bodies are proteins produced by the body to neutralize or destroy or disease carrying organisms.

  According to an article published by the World Health Organization (WHO) Immunization is a global success story, saving millions of lives yearly. Immunization can be done through vaccination, vaccines can reduce risks of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build immunity from viruses. When you get a vaccine, your body will response to it. Vaccinations will help your body be immune to symptoms caused by viruses, vaccine helps a person’s system stimulates a natural defense against further infections. Vaccines are perhaps the best hope for ending the pandemic, healthcare experts formulated Covid-19 vaccines in this matter.

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that, currently, there are three main types of Vaccines in fighting the Covid-19 virus that are Authorized and recommended, or undergoing large-scale (Phase 3) of clinical trials in the United States. One of the vaccines produced is the mRNA vaccines, this vaccine contains materials from the virus that causes Covid-19 that gives our cells instructions for how to make harmless proteins that is unique to the virus. These copies of protein will destroy the genetic material from the vaccine. A person’s system will recognize that the protein should not be included in the body, it the builds T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that will remember how to battle with the virus that causes Covid-19 if we were infected in the future.

  Many citizens are still having second thoughts and concerns about the formulated vaccines. One of the reasons are because there have been reports that says the vaccine formulated has negative side effects. Some vaccines are rushed and didn’t go through clinical trials, this may be the reason why some vaccine shots caused negative side effects. Most of them are formulated by experts and professionals, scientists claim these vaccines developed are safe when injected in people’s system. This vaccine will be a big break for all, it will be a huge leap over the pandemic we are facing today. People will return back to their normal lifestyle and able to enjoy travelling and doing activities without fearing about a deadly virus.

   If I was asked if I wanted to get the Covid-19 vaccine, I wouldn’t hesitate in giving a “yes” for an answer. I wouldn’t believe on false rumors about the virus, I will believe the experts instead of the false rumors. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

resource: https://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/access-to-covid19-vaccination


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