The second chapter of the school year

        Another quarter has passed, and another one is yet to be unlocked. In this quarter, we have learned the basic uses of HTML tags. At first, I was puzzled about the topic because it very new to me. I kept doing it wrong, I didn’t understand the notes given to us as a guide in doing the activities. It was a struggle for me, good thing I have my friends to help me. They were there to help enlighten me about our topic.

        I’m happy that my skills in writing have improved a lot, probably because of the blogs we compose weekly. I have gained confidence in sharing my own opinions in the world of social media. I was also enlightened about the festivals, history, and culture of our own province, the province of Ilocos Sur. I pretty much enjoyed every topic we have learned in the subject of ICT.

        In the next quarter of this school year, I will try my best to improve more. I will try to catch up with my fellow classmates. Though some of us are still struggling in adopting this new way of learning, I will try to cope with these copes. I will identify the pros and cons in order to face and overcome these struggles.

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