“We need a resilient Philippines”

At the present time, no one or any country is not vulnerable from disasters and losses due to disasters. These disasters include acts of terrorism, natural disasters, as well as the world is actually facing today, which is an epidemic of a viral infectious diseases called Covid-19. These all contribute to tremendous consequences for the country and the people. Our nation then faces tough decisions, whether intentional attacks or natural-causing disasters, to better ensure protection and quality of life against such horrible disasters.

Developing resilience is one of the best factors that will allow a nation to be more vulnerable or become resilient to disasters may come in the future. A nation that has a capability to propose a plan in advance to disastrous events that may occur in the future will have a great capability in handling a crisis well, as well as having preparedness in responding after the disaster hits. The nation should be prepared in what disaster make occur in the future. Only then we would be properly equipped to manage the situation easily. This requires deliberate government preparation, leadership, and people's unity to obey directives. Thus, the conclusion is that our country will be aware and ready when a tragedy occurs, and destruction and damage will be easily minimized. In developing a resilient country, understanding the risk of disasters is a must. Any danger or threat and the impact it will have on our lives, our health, and our economic being must be considered. We will be able to come up with the right way to tackle these situations simply by knowing these variables. For us to be able to get back and restart again and for us to not suffer for a long period of time from these disastrous events. In enhancing resilience, the people should trust the government’s plans and decisions in order to have a resilient country, that is the other reason why the Philippines lacks resilience

In conclusion, if the Philippines is more as resilient country the outcome of disastrous events could be minimized. The country should plan before the event occurs, so that recovery will easily be conducted. We cannot prevent disastrous events and that’s a fact, but we can minimize the damage that has been done and we can also get back easily.



  1. Hello Lhei! Your message about the resiliency of the Philippines was straight to the point that's why it's really interesting when reading it! Keep it up!

  2. Throughout the article regarding the Philippines' resilience, I like how you derive your ideas. Great work!

  3. Such a wonderful composition you've made. I like your ideas, its very simple yet meaningful and its very easy to understand. That's all. God bless.

  4. Your thoughts regarding to our country's resiliency is great! I agree that we cannot prevent this disastrous events but we can minimize it.

  5. Hi Lhei! I like your ideas and thoughts regarding the resiliency of the Philippines. We may not prevent these events that cause great damages, but if we have planned, we can recover faster and easier.

  6. Hi Lhei! Your thoughts are really great. It is true that we cannot prevent these disastrous events. But when we are fully equipped and really prepared for these, we can minimize the damages and recover faster, for we are also known as Resilient!


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