
Showing posts from March, 2021

The second chapter of the school year

          Another quarter has passed, and another one is yet to be unlocked. In this quarter, we have learned the basic uses of HTML tags. At first, I was puzzled about the topic because it very new to me. I kept doing it wrong, I didn’t understand the notes given to us as a guide in doing the activities. It was a struggle for me, good thing I have my friends to help me. They were there to help enlighten me about our topic.           I’m happy that my skills in writing have improved a lot, probably because of the blogs we compose weekly. I have gained confidence in sharing my own opinions in the world of social media. I was also enlightened about the festivals, history, and culture of our own province, the province of Ilocos Sur. I pretty much enjoyed every topic we have learned in the subject of ICT.           In the next quarter of this school year, I will try my best to improve more. I will try to catch up with my fellow classmates. Though some of us are still struggling in adopting

Page 45 of the book titled “A year”

         On the 14 th day of February, day 45 of the year, there is an annually celebrated day called “Valentine’s day” also addressed as “St. Valentine’s Day”. It is a tradition where people show different kinds of gesture and languages in expressing their love or affection for their significant other or loved ones.             On this day of the year, you can see couples on the street holding hands, taking pictures, and other romantic stuff. Some people say that Valentine’s day are only celebrated by people with significant others. No, this day isn’t only meant for couples, this day is about love. People commonly think that love is only between two peoples, but that is not the whole meaning of love. It could also be the love you give or receive from your loved ones. It also shows compassion and kindness to others.                This day isn’t celebrated for couples, it can be celebrated with friends and family. This day was made to remind people that they are love and valued w

Kannawidan Festival: One of the Ilocanos’ Pride

                             The Philippines has many of festivals, both major and minor, with at least one particular celebration occurring almost every day of the year. Filipinos absolutely love getting together to celebrate and share our rich culture and treasures with the rest of the world.           Celebrating feasts and festivals is part of our culture and tradition as Filipinos. We have a lot of unique and different festivals all over the world, in each region, where people can see and experience different things. Most festivals in the Philippines are religious in origin, but the religious element is traditionally secondary to the general spirit of celebration nowadays.           Different festivals are annually celebrated in different provinces in our country. As an Ilocano I would gladly share to you the pride of the Ilocano Culture, The “Kannawidan Festival”. The “Kannawidan Festival” was created by the provincial government in the beautiful province of Ilocos Sur to highli